Wednesday, March 18, 2009


the last two days at work have been plain crazy... worked all day in the office, got back home, worked all evening and went to bed. late. today the craziness ended. well, in a way. the crazy project ended. another one landed on my table today before i had wound the crazy one up. but i thought it can sort of wait. and that i'm not going to drive myself crazy over it and push myself to work like a maniac like i've been, the last two days.

the last two days, d had been hanging around a working me... and even stayed up late reading a book while i was working. so today i decided that i've worked enough, and left office at 4 pm (like never before), got back home excited to hang out with d, spent a couple of 'alone' hours before i called d to find out when he was getting back. and when i did, i got to know that today was his crazy day. it's 9 pm now and i'm home alone :)


Amrithaa said...

awwww! the weekend isn't that far away... :)

8&20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
8&20 said...

even if d wasn't home, i commend you on making that move from office at 4, and deciding that you could take a break from the craziness. and i'm sure even the 'alone' time until 9 helped you recharge your own energies.


Adu said...

aww, i feel i'm finally getting to hear about a day in the life of you :) believe it or not, i've never known all these years!

and, yes, the weekend is around the bend.

PeeVee said...

@h_A: If I gave you my weekend agenda, you'd swoon my dear :D

8&20: I already read the comment you deleted :p you're right about that though... you know one shouldn't run away from truths, no matter how bitter they are! :D

8&20 again: :) yeah sort of - i was on the couch for 5 hours almost :( and 'a' called me - she thought i sounded delirious! :D

adu: weekends are busier than weekdays adu ... sigh again.

8&20 said...

pee: i knew you would've :) but i didn't want to reinforce too, for the world, what you now have :).